Just a quick note that in addition to following me on SoundCloud (where you can hear my music), you can now stalk me to your heart's content on Twitter (discussion and debates about music) and Instagram (pics from around Boston and other music-related things). You're welcome.
RT @violanorth: Absurd that this even needs to be said, but it is literally not possible to teach music history without discussing… https://t.co/V82d6uPNLn
RT @whitesnakeproj: Dear friends! Due to an illness in the cast, we will have to postpone opening night to April 1. The health and safe… https://t.co/K9f9x4ykcL
Coming this weekend! An operatic response to the surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, "Fractured Mosaics" explores the… https://t.co/d9tbMONS7B